This evening service sermon was preached by Pastor Jeremy Walker from Maidenbower Baptist Church during the Church's 21st Anniversary.
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-14
This morning service sermon was preached by Pastor Jeremy Walker from Maidenbower Baptist Church during the Church's 21st Anniversary.
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:1-25
This sermon was preached by Pastor Jeremy Walker from Maidenbower Baptist Church at the Church's 21st Anniversary Service [Saturday, 03-11-2022].
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 1:1-25 and 1 Corinthians 1:1-
Sermon Title: Why Do You Serve The King?Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 19:9-43
Sermon PointsA Question Of Motivesa) Motivated By Politics (v.8b-15, 41-43)b) Motivated By Pleasure (v.31-40)
Sermon Title: The Unholy TrinityBible Reading: Revelation 13:1-18
Sermon PointsThe Difference Between The Beasts
The Identity Of The Beasts
How Can We Stand Against Such Beasts?Note t
Sermon Title: When Grieving is DangerousBible Reading: 2 Samuel 19:1-8
Sermon PointsDavid's Grief (v.1-4)
Joab's Rebuke (v.5-7)
Our Struggle In Light of David's